The ABC's of home exercise...

The ABC's of home exercise...

What can we use to keep active at home? 

brown and white wooden table beside sofa chair

Nowadays it has never been easier to exercise from home.

The only problem is that many of us can't recognise the potential we have laying around us for some serious conditioning sessions. 

So check out the first part of my list of useful exercises you can do with every day objects below.


The Chair Dip: 
  • Simply place your hands along the edge of the chair and stick your two feet out in front of you with only your heels touching the floor.. 
  • Slowly lower your body down in front of the chair.
  • Once you have gone as far as you can go, push yourself back up with your hands.                                     
  • To make this easier, bring your feet closer to you and have them flat on the ground.
Chair Push-ups:
  • Start by kneeling down on all fours in front of a chair.
  • Place your two feet on the chair behind you.
  • Lower yourself to the ground until your chest touches the floor. (Or as low as is comfortable)
  • Push your body back up into the start position. (Straight line from head to heels)
  • To make this easier, simply do regular push-ups or turn around and place your hands on the chair instead of the floor.. 
Chair Squats: 

  • Stand upright with your back to the chair.
  • Keep your back straight and tighten your core.
  • Feet are shoulder width apart.
  • Slowly lower your body towards a seated position.
  • Once your bum touches the chair push straight back up to the start position.
  • To make this harder, try and do it with only one leg. 

Water bottles:

Lateral Raise:
  • Standing upright with your core engaged.
  • Arms straight down by your side.
  • Slowly raise the bottles upwards and outwards keeping your arms straight.
  • Pause at the top (once you reach shoulder height).
  • Slowly lower you arms again.

  • To make this easier, reduce the weight of the bottles or find a new object to use.

Bicep Curls:
  • Standing upright with you core engaged.
  • Elbows tight against your side.
  • Slowly raise the bottle without moving your elbows from your side.
  • Once you reach the top of the movement, lower the bottles again. 
  • To make this easier reduce the weights. 
  • Try not to swing your arms or use your body for momentum as this will take away from the movement. SLOW AND CONTROLLED

Overhead Press:
  • Back straight core engaged.
  • Start with the bottles by your shoulders and your knuckles facing up.
  • Push straight up lifting the bottles above your head.
  • Slowly lower them again in a controlled manner.
  • The slower the better.
  • To make this easier, have someone assist you with the movement.
  • This can also be done standing up.

Mats and Carpets:

Core work - Sit-ups

  • Lie flat on your back
  • Use a table, weight or another person to keep your feet in place
  • Squeeze the muscles in your stomach and slowly sit upwards
  • Touch your elbows off of your knees
  • Return back to the start position.



  • Start by putting your weight onto your elbows and forearms. (or on your hands)
  • Keep your back straight. (imagine you could balance a cup of tea)
  • Feet together
  • Eyes focused forward

To make this easier, start by doing it on your hands and if it's still too tough reduce the weight by going on to your knees instead of your toes.

Leg Raises


  • Lie flat on your back and place your hands slightly under you bum.
  • Squeeze the muscles in your belly and slowly raise your legs.
  • Keep your legs straight.
  • Once you reach a point where knees begin to bend, lower your legs again.
  • To make this easier, perform it with one leg at a time. 

Try these out at home and see how you get on. 
I'm sure you'll do great!!!! 😆

Part 2 is on the way.


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